Re-energising natural resources

Trusted to deliver

We re-use, re-purpose, re-generate and re-energise natural resources. Our people are experts in multiple markets and disciplines, not just innovation, land management and project management but also policy development, financing, regulation and investor relations.

We class ourselves as multi specialists and consider our people as leaders in their field, each playing their part in supporting sustainable economic growth.


Our Protos Cheshire energy and resource hub leads the way in low carbon energy and waste management with the deployment of innovative technologies including the UK’s first plastic-to-hydrogen facility, a 50MW windfarm, a 21.5MW biomass plant, a 49MW energy from waste plant in construction and a plastic park blueprint to revolutionise plastic recycling nationwide.

In Liverpool, our Mersey Heat energy service company (ESCO) is delivering a low carbon district heat network for up to 9,000 homes and 4million sq ft of commercial space at our Liverpool Waters development.

Working in partnership

We help government and businesses meet their net zero targets with pragmatic, solution driven advice. By repurposing valuable land, developing energy solutions and managing waste, we support our partners in making the transition to clean growth, helping them balance and achieve both medium term economic objectives and long-term sustainability goals.


Tackling climate change and developing more sustainable, healthy communities lies at the heart of our business. All of our work is underpinned by globally recognised principles and calls to action – The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

At Peel NRE we’re focused on action, not pledges, and are committed to helping people and places realise their true potential.

Working in partnership we are innovating, creating and implementing ideas at scale. Smart built environments, low carbon energy solutions, functional green public realm and the promotion of sustainable travel options - just some of the areas in which we are delivering real transformation.